Mission, Vision, & Values
Camp for All Kids believes that:
Sleepaway camps, where Black and Brown youth have been historically underrepresented, should strive to be welcoming places for all young people, and to serve as an example of inclusivity for all campers and staff.
Sleepaway summer camp should provide a safe and structured environment that encourages social-emotional development while enabling all members of the camp community to become the best version of themselves.
Young people who live, play, and meet challenges together at camp should have the opportunity and be encouraged to leverage those relationships, skills, and experiences throughout their lives.
Spending meaningful time in and engaging with nature – and away from screens and day to day stress – is an essential component to health and happiness, particularly for young people.

Camp for All Kids creates pathways to the transformational experience of sleepaway camp for Black and Brown youth while fostering inclusive and equitable camp communities.

We envision a world in which all young people are aware of and have sustained access to the transformative and nurturing environment of summer camp, and where sleepaway camps serve as welcoming, safe places for all kids.
Our History
Camp for All Kids – a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization – was officially incorporated in 1997 to promote and facilitate racial diversity by sending kids from under-served communities to overnight summer camp. But the real story began six years earlier when a Camp Kamaji parent asked what he could do to add diversity to camp. Fast forward to today: more than 1,800 Camperships have been awarded for 4 & 8 week overnight summer camp sessions and 500 Chicago teens have participated in Four Star Fellowship for a week of bonding and discovery with their year-round youth development mentors. Through both programs, Camp for All Kids shares the joy and benefits of camp with youth who otherwise would not have the opportunity to attend.